Light Adjustable Lens™, the first intraocular lens (IOL) of its kind that empowers patients to customize their vision after cataract surgery. Co-developed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist and produced by RxSight®, this remarkable technology offers a unique post-surgery vision adjustment process, delivering exceptional visual outcomes for life.

How does it work? Following your cataract surgery, Dr. Barth performs a series of office-based light treatments, each just a few minutes long. This allows you to preview and tweak your vision, ensuring your eyesight aligns with your personal needs and lifestyle.

Studies on the Light Adjustable Lens™ have shown extraordinary results. Patients fitted with this innovative lens were twice as likely to achieve 20/20 distance vision at six months without glasses compared to those with standard monofocal IOL.

The Light Adjustable Lens™—is re-defining cataract surgery across the North Bay. As the only combined center with advanced cataract equipment and an in-house surgical suite in Sonoma County we’re well-equipped to meet the growing demand for comprehensive vision care, making the process more accessible and efficient for our patients.

A consultation with our team will help you determine if you’re a good candidate for this innovative procedure. Experience the future of cataract surgery with Barth Vision Care, where advanced technology meets personalized care. Schedule your appointment today, and let’s explore how we can help you see the world more clearly.

Customizable Lens Implant Surgery with Rxsight’s Light Adjustable Lens

Customizable Lens Implant Surgery with Rxsight’s Light Adjustable Lens is our premier, fully customizable treatment that prioritizes optimal vision and potential glasses independence. It uniquely allows for post-surgery adjustments to achieve your ideal optical results, making it a top-tier choice for those who value precision and quality in their vision restoration journey.

  • The top-tier, fully customizable option for exceptional vision.
  • Best for you if you desire glasses independence and optimal vision.
  • Doubles the likelihood of achieving 20/20 uncorrected vision.
  • The optics can be adjusted three times for ideal post cataract results.
  • Minimizes issues like halos and glare, crucial for night driving.
  • Uses the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens and in-office UV light delivery device.
  • Costs: $6,000 per eye for this lens and device.