Barth Vision

About Barth Vision

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So far Barth Vision has created 83 blog entries.

Does Having Cataract Surgery Make Macular Degeneration Worse?

In patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the development of cataracts can only complicate already challenged vision. The question becomes, does having cataract surgery to restore some clear vision if you already have macular degeneration make sense? The answer is probably yes ... but there are some ...


Nearsightedness is on the Rise – What You Need to Know

Nearsightedness has risen dramatically over the last 50 years. If nothing is done to help slow the increase, half the world’s population may be nearsighted by the year 2050. That means much more than simply more people needing glasses. It means a lot of kids today are ...


Avoid Scary Eye Infections This Halloween

To avoid a real-life Halloween horror story – going blind because of a costume accessory – the American Academy of Ophthalmology is warning the public against wearing costume contact lenses purchased without a prescription. These illegally sold cosmetic lenses may not be sterile and can cause a ...
