Optical Eye Exams

Eye exams reveal a myriad of health conditions

Your eyes are windows to the live action of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues throughout your body. Problems spotted in the eye are often the first signs of disease lurking elsewhere. Presented here are 20 surprising conditions your eye doctor may detect during a comprehensive eye ...


Study Supports Need for Routine and Regular Eye Exams

One recent study included data on nearly 6,400 patients seen at the researchers' eye clinic during a 1-year period. About 40 percent of patients reported no problems with blurred vision, headaches, or other eye-related symptoms. In this group of asymptomatic patients, Dr. Irving and colleagues determined rates ...


Eye Health: The importance of measuring eye pressure

As part of a complete eye exam, a measurement of eye pressure will be taken. Most of us are familiar with the eye pressure test using a puff of air. Today, ophthalmologists use a more accurate device that measures pressure called tonometry, which measures pressure by direct ...


Comprehensive eye examinations – because your vision is important!

Barth Vision and Optical offers state of the art vision screening for patients. To adequately evaluate eyes and vision our comprehensive examination is focused on obtaining a conclusive diagnosis so that we can prescribe proper treatment. Comprehensive eye examinations are the only effective way to determine if ...
