Eye Care News

Hormone related dry-eye disorder aided by local treatment

Health issues for people over sixty commonly involve the heart and other vital organs. So do eye-related conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma, but dry eyes don't often come to mind. Or do they? In fact, more than 70% of people in this age group are believed ...


Keeping an Eye on Workplace Eye Wellness

Each year, nearly 25,000 Americans visit the emergency room due to a workplace eye injury. During Workplace Eye Wellness Month this March, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Barth Vision and Optical reminds employers and workers about the importance of wearing certified and approved eye protection. How ...


Age-related Macular Degeneration: New Treatments

AMD Awareness Month --  For more than a decade, ophthalmologists have treated wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with eye injections given every month or two, and dry AMD with antioxidant vitamins. These treatments were groundbreaking when introduced, offering hope for the first time that this sight-threatening disease ...
